Speaking of food, the meal schedule is different, it seems, in each country. We generally eat within the hours of breakfast 6AM, lunch 12PM, and supper 6PM. In Abu Dhabi supper was much later, anywhere from 8PM to 10PM and Ramadan any of the permitted times before sunrise.
In San José del Cabo it seems to be like this for most people: nothing or a very small snack (like a drinkable yogurt) for breakfast. Actually, our 11AM lunch time at school is called "desayuno," or breakfast, by many. Then the "plato fuerte," or heavy meal, is served around 2PM. Supper is a light affair around 8PM for the people I've spoken with. If you want tacos or other substantial food, you have to make sure they are still open for a 6PM supper time as some of them close after the 2-4 rush.
Regardless of time, the food here is delicious!