
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Kids Unscripted; Chapter 6

Talia: "I am an astronaut who runs on top of the clouds!"
Elias: "Da-da!"
Me: (to Ben) "You are called 'Papi' so he's probably just making fun sounds..."
Ben: "That boy knows what he's saying!"
Me: "Talia, do not jump on the furniture."
Talia: "I guess I can't practice learning how to fly..."
Me: "Talia, what did you draw on the windows of the apartment in your picture?"
Talia: "Fuzzies!"
Me: "Why?"
Talia: "To make it pretty!"
Talia: (in the kid car on the front of the shopping cart) "Papi, am I doing a good job?"
Ben: "Yes!"
Talia: (Eye-level with the candy) "I see stuff you get when you're doing a good job!"
Ben: "Not every time..."
Talia: "Ok..."
Ben: "I can't smell the music!"
Talia: "You're not supposed to smell music!"
Talia: "How long are we going to live in Abu Dhabi?"
Ben: "How long would you like to live in Abu Dhabi?"
Talia: "As many days as I want to."
Talia: "It's the leaves of it..."
Ben: "That doesn't make sense..."
Talia: "But you heard it, didn't you?"
Talia: (to Ben with some dates stuffed with macadamia nuts) "Papi, what are those?"
Ben: "Here do you want to try one?"
Talia: "Chutternuts!"
Ben: "Whaaaa...?"
Talia: (to Ben) "I made this picture for you, but Elias ate some of it..."
Talia: "Was this fish caught in the water or did it grow on a tree?"
Talia: "My stomach is saying 'I'm tired!'"
Me: "Your stomach!?"
Talia: "Yes, because it sleeps when I sleep."
Talia: "I'm not laughing, it's just the kind of cry that sounds like I'm laughing."
Me: "What were Noah's sons named?"
Talia: "Jam, Ham, and Jatheth."
Talia: "When I was three you had to show me how to do the puzzle even though you didn't know how because I was too little to teach you."
Talia: (to me) "I just heard a 'flip' from your flip-flop!"
Talia: "That yawn was to tell you I'm not tired..."