
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kids Unscripted: Chapter 18

Talia: (throwing a blanket over Elias) "Look, Elias wants to be a poultry-geist!"
Elias: *laughing*
Ben: "I think you mean a poltergeist."
Talia: (playing with some little plastic people) "...and he had a friend named Google..."
J: "What kind of dinosaur is this?"
Talia: "A connoisseur-ous"
Talia: "Kanga-rooooo, Kanga-rooooo,' 
Mommy, do you like my song? I think it needs a few more words..."
Talia: "If you have met your friend, your friend has met you..."
Talia: "I want to see the blue blobster!"
(She meant lobster.)
Talia: "Kohlee and I just slipped into friendship!"
Talia: "Can I make a flower-girl dance?"
Talia: "I just made a calm-spin-around-dance. It's better than the hyper-spin-around-dance."
Talia: "Mommy, do rice-krispie treats have vitamins?"

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