
Monday, May 14, 2012

Kids Unscripted: Chapter 2

Talia: "Did we see a coyote dragon at the zoo?"
Me: "A Komodo dragon?"
(After a long, tiring day when Talia was actually asking to go to bed)
Papi: "What's the funnest thing you've done today?"
Talia: "It will be fun when I go to bed..."
Talia: "Can you take me to play with the camels in the desert?"
(Eating pizza and picking off red parts)
Talia: "Peppers make my mouth hurt..."
Aunt Chel: "Those are tomatoes!"
(the red things disappear in less than one second. I'm glad Chel wasn't teasing!)
Talia: "If you leave the door open all of the butterflies will come in and I will chase them!"
Talia: "What is 'mosque?' Is it a type of poison bug?"
Talia: "Everything is possible in a song!"
Talia: "do you like all the kinds of cookies?"
Me: "noooo"
Talia: (sneaky grin) "Do you like green bean cookies?"
Talia: "I have a teddy bear and Elias has a teddy dog!"
Talia: (writing her name as small as she can) "I'm writing as small as crumbs."
Me: "Talia, would you like a pear?"
Talia: "I would like a parrot!"
Talia: "I have a really good Papi; he's the best Papi in the whole world."
Talia: (handing me her cup) "I drinked all of it, like a camel."
Talia: "I was sleeping and practicing how to be still and quiet at the SAME time!"
Talia: "Is there one big playground with a cage?"
Ben: "That's a fence."
Talia: "I love the baby: I be careful with him, and I snuggle with him and keep him warm."
Talia: "The baby's hands are so little and my hands are so... medium!"

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