
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kids Unscripted: Chapter 25

Talia: "I'm putting lotion on your freckles because I don't want them to go away because I think they're beautiful."
Talia: "That was just my unrhymable rhyme..."
Elias: "wear pip-pops!" (Flip flops)
Talia: "A chin is just a big point growing down your head..."
Talia: "I'm a factory lady..."
Me: "What kind of factory?"
Talia: "It's the kind that goes to all of the barber shops and sweeps out all of the hair and turns it into soap! It's really hard and you have to go to school to learn how to do it."
Talia: "This is a nice king. He doesn't just sit around and tell people what to do, he actually helps them!"
Talia: (to Elias) "I knooooow... if you know it, I know it. In fact, you probably learned it from me to begin with..."
Talia: "It's just like normal... except it's different."
Elias: "Lid, stucken!" [The lid is stuck.]
Talia: "If you want to see if someone is breathing, you could put a harmonica to their mouth. If it doesn't make any sound, they might need to go to the funeral home..."
[She later reassessed this theory since she noticed she had to be breathing fairly strongly to produce sound.]
Talia: "Do you have to water your hair if you want it to grow?"
Talia: "Do moths say anything or are they shy?"
Talia: "Babies are weird: they poop and eat in their sleep and they don't know any words... But they're baby people! I like baby people!" 
Elias: "Baby, peepee, diaper. Need prize!" [He was trying to share some of his potty training prize with baby Ezra.]
Talia: "Boy babies are cutest kinds of boys."

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